
A minimum viable product, or MVP, is a product with sufficient features to attract early-adopter customers and validate a product concept early in the development cycle. In industries like software, the MVP may assist the product team in receiving customer input as rapidly as possible so that they can iterate and enhance the product.

What are the benefits of building an MVP?

Streamlined Focus

MVP emphasizes core product functionality, allowing cost-effective testing of your business concept. Many product owners tend to add unnecessary features before the product's market entry, risking loss of focus on the core problem they intend to solve.

Vision Clarity

In the early stages, define the software's core features and customer value, creating a checklist to share with your team. This clear vision will help you stay on course and make informed decisions in the long term.

Early Customer Engagement

Timing is crucial in business. Engaging new users and stakeholders in the initial development stages helps gain early adopters who spread the word and provide invaluable feedback, ensuring your product becomes customer-centric.