
Digital dexterity represents employees' readiness and capability to acquire and apply cutting-edge technology, a vital requirement in today's era of digital evolution. When a workforce possesses digital dexterity, it demonstrates greater flexibility and receptiveness to novel tools. While there might exist a learning curve, individuals with digital dexterity are eager to invest the necessary time and effort to master new technologies. Effective business leadership should foster an environment where employees feel empowered and encouraged to acquire fresh skills. This approach should avoid excessive oversight and mitigate apprehensions about embracing change.

What are the benefits of having digital dexterity among employees?

Increased efficiency

Employees complete tasks more rapidly due to task automation, freeing up time for other activities.

Enhanced productivity

Technology supports employees in accomplishing more tasks, potentially boosting engagement and reducing burnout. Adaptability - The workforce readily embraces emerging technologies, making efforts to learn and improve even if initially uncomfortable.

Greater agility

When the workforce is flexible, employees become more effective in their roles, adept at utilizing digital tools, and capable of adapting and correcting to enhance quality.