Custom Named Entity Recognition (NER)

What is Custom NER?

Custom entity extraction, often referred to as custom Named Entity Recognition (NER), is a natural language processing (NLP) technique used to identify and categorize specific entities within text. Unlike standard NER, this approach develops tailored models for unique entities, such as product names or specialized industry terms. By utilizing machine learning and annotated data, custom entity extraction enhances accuracy and relevance for specific applications.

Sample Use Cases for Custom Named Entity Recognition

Below are several examples of how custom NER can be applied:

E-commerce Product Categorization

Custom NER can identify and classify product names and attributes in online listings, improving search functionality and user experience.

Legal Document Analysis

This technique can extract specific legal terms, case names, and statutes from legal documents, aiding lawyers in research and document review.

Healthcare Data Extraction

Custom NER can recognize medical terms, patient names, and treatment plans in clinical notes, enhancing data management and patient care.

Social Media Monitoring

Businesses can use custom NER to track brand mentions, product names, and industry-specific terms in social media posts, allowing for better sentiment analysis and engagement strategies.

Financial Report Analysis

Custom NER can identify key financial metrics, company names, and industry jargon within financial reports, streamlining the analysis process for investors and analysts

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Various Custom NER APIs

In the world of custom NER APIs, there are many companies offering similar services. However, these services may not all work the same way or be as good  as each other. Some might be faster or more accurate, but they might also cost more. It’s a good idea to try out a few different options to see which one works best for you.

Various AI Content DetectIon APIs
One Platform to Connect all APIs

One Platform to Connect all APIs

By aggregating several providers in one software development platform, Xamun allows you to use different kinds of AI tools for your software.

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About Xamun
Xamun.AI brings together the latest AI technologies, partners, and best practices all in a single platform that ensures visibility, quality, and speed.

Our purpose is to remove barriers to digital business enablement for all, through our AI-augmented software development platform that makes it easy for anyone to design complex business solutions and collaborate with experienced developers to build and launch working mobile and/or web software at a fraction of the time.